

Hey there, friends!  Welcome to – a place to find updates on my health status and to be reminded (in case you forgot) that I love you!

It hasn’t been easy keeping in touch with everyone, so we designed this page for me to post to all my friends and family, and for you to check-in as your heart desires.

I will do my best to update this page, and text and email everyone as well.  Feel free to communicate with me using my email address.

You’ll notice a donate button below.  The journey of fighting cancer can be as rough on the pocketbook as it is on the body, so we are most grateful for any financial assistance!

12 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. Hey Roo!

    This site is great! Love all the photos and having a way to stay in touch that may be easier on you. As I mentioned in an email to Brian just now, the two of you have been in my thoughts pretty much non-stop since your departure, so I’m grateful to have real news to supplant my guessing.

    Hope you’re feeling comfortable and confident in your new surroundings, Sweetie. I cradle you in my heart and hold tremendous optimism…

    Love, love, love,


  2. I love you so much! Hope you are settling in and they are taking good care of you. Write when you can. Sending rainbows of light and hugs and kisses!

  3. Yay for healing ocean air! Love you ten zillion tons and then some, sending lots o’ healing love your way! WB in touch for sure, and then see you in 3 weeks, sistah! xoxox

  4. Good morning, Sunshine

    So you are settling in and meeting new friends.
    I know that you are already sharing your love with all.
    Your picture gallery is awesome; “you are so beautiful”

    You are covered by the love of so many friends. They not only love you, but believe that you are an “”overcomer” and you WILL beat your enemy.

    I think of you, pray for you and of course love you bunches and bunches, to infinity and beyond.


  5. Thanks for the way to keep in touch, san Diego still looks like a nice place to visit, rooie knows we love her and are praying for her and with her, we are only a thought away. Watch out for the hugs and kisses cause you don’t know when they mjght come in. Love you lots, le gorilla.

  6. Roo is loved too! Sending healing energy love through time and space, and bananas 😉 love, love, love…
    Sister j

  7. Awesome website which I will share with our Costa Rica Qoya sisters and with Rochelle. You are so loved and they will be grateful to help in any way they can.

    Sending you strawberry dreams with dance and laughter. Love, Keira

  8. Sunshine, my days are filled with beautiful thoughts of you and for you. I love you so much and wish I could be there for you. This was not a good time for me to have a medical problem So glad your friends are there for you and cannot say enough about your loving, Brian. Dream big, visualize, visualize.

  9. Dear Ruth,

    I want you to know that I am thinking of you. You are surrounded by love and prayers. We are with you.



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